SubpackageEnum (enum)

A default implementation of Subpackage that constrains how (the classes in) subpackages across and within modules can reference either.

enum SubpackageEnum {
  dom     (1)
  api     (2)
  app     (3)
  menu     (4)
  contributions     (5)
  subscribers     (6)
  restapi     (7)
  spi     (8)
  spiimpl     (9)
  fixtures     (10)
  seed     (11)
  final List<String> local;
  final List<String> referencing;
  String getName()
  List<String> mayBeAccessedBySubpackagesInSameModule()
  List<String> mayBeAccessedBySubpackagesInReferencingModules()
1 dom

The domain object model module, containing the main business logic of the module.

2 api

Optional, constitutes a formal API to the module.

3 app

Optional, but if used then will hold view model that implement some sort of assisted business process, for example dashboards, or filtering.

4 menu

Holds the menus that are visible in the UI.

5 contributions

Holds mixins that contribute functionality to OTHER modules.

6 subscribers

Holds domain services that subscribe to events fired from OTHER modules.

7 restapi

Holds the menus that are visible as the REST endpoints.

8 spi

Define an interface for OTHER modules to implement; this is therefore an alternative and more structured way to decoupled modules.

9 spiimpl

These are this module’s implementations of OTHER modules' SPI services.

10 fixtures

Fixture scripts used to setup the systen when prototyping and for integ tests.

11 seed

Seed scripts used to setup the systen, for example reference data).



The domain object model module, containing the main business logic of the module.

Typically consists of entities and view models and associated repositories and stateless services used by those entities and view models.


Optional, constitutes a formal API to the module.

If used, then access to the dom module is likely to be restricted to only the subpackages of its own "local" module with no access granted to subpackages of other "external" referencing modules.


Optional, but if used then will hold view model that implement some sort of assisted business process, for example dashboards, or filtering.

Holds the menus that are visible in the UI.

These should only be called by the framework, not programmatically (except for tests).


Holds mixins that contribute functionality to OTHER modules.

Mixins are one of the main techniques for decoupling dependencies between modules.

Note that mixins to THIS module normally would just live in the dom subpackage, eg dom.mixins .


Holds domain services that subscribe to events fired from OTHER modules.

Subscriptions is the other main technique for decoupling dependencies between modules.


Holds the menus that are visible as the REST endpoints.

These should only be called by the framework, not programmatically (except for tests).


Define an interface for OTHER modules to implement; this is therefore an alternative and more structured way to decoupled modules.

With events, the module that emits the event doesn’t know much about what the action to be performed in the other module might be. But if we use an SPI, then this module will call all implementations of the SPI at certain well-defined points; so it kind of is like a lifecycle sort of thing.

Also, the SPI’s interface could be more exotic, ie "fatter" than the simple event.


These are this module’s implementations of OTHER modules' SPI services.


Fixture scripts used to setup the systen when prototyping and for integ tests.


Seed scripts used to setup the systen, for example reference data).