Simple (Authenticator & Authorizor)
The simple in-memory implementation, allows both authentication and authorization to be evaluated against a user provided SimpleRealm
Maven pom.xml
Dependency Management
If your application inherits from the Apache Causeway starter app (
) then that will define the version automatically:
Alternatively, import the core BOM. This is usually done in the top-level parent pom of your application:
In the webapp module of your application, add the following dependency:
Note that this transitively includes the Wicket viewer module (org.apache.causeway.viewer:causeway-viewer-wicket-viewer
in your app).
Update AppManifest
In your application’s AppManifest
(top-level Spring @Configuration
used to bootstrap the app), import the
public class AppManifest {
public SimpleRealm simpleRealm() {
return new SimpleRealm()
.addRole("admin_role", id->Grant.CHANGE)
.addRole("order_role", id->
? Grant.CHANGE
: Grant.NONE)
.addRole("customer_role", id->
? Grant.CHANGE
: Grant.NONE)
.addRole("reader_role", id->
? Grant.NONE
: Grant.READ)
.addUser("sven", pwdhash, List.of("admin_role"))
.addUser("dick", pwdhash, List.of("reader_role", "order_role"))
.addUser("bob", pwdhash, List.of("reader_role", "customer_role"))
.addUser("joe", pwdhash, List.of("reader_role"));
Make sure that no other CausewayModuleSecurityXxx
module is imported.