
Used to indicate which property or properties make up the object title.

If more than one property is used, the order can be specified (using the same Dewey-decimal notation). The string to use between the components can also be specified.


@interface Title {
  String sequence() default "1.0";     (1)
  String prepend() default " ";     (2)
  String append() default "";     (3)
  int abbreviatedTo() default Integer.MAX_VALUE;     (4)
1 sequence

The order (in Dewey decimal notation) that the property annotated with Title appears with respect to other properties also annotated with Title .

2 prepend

The string to use to separate this property from any preceding properties in the title.

3 append

The string to append to this property if non-empty.

4 abbreviatedTo

The length to abbreviate this title element to.



The order (in Dewey decimal notation) that the property annotated with Title appears with respect to other properties also annotated with Title .


The string to use to separate this property from any preceding properties in the title.


The string to append to this property if non-empty.


The length to abbreviate this title element to.


For example:

public void Customer {
    public String getLastName() { /* ... */ }     (1)
    @Title(sequence="1.5", prepend=", ")
    public String getFirstName() { /* ... */ }
    @Title(sequence="1.7", append=".")
    public String getMidInitial() { /* ... */ }
1 backing field and setters omitted

could be used to create names of the style "Bloggs, Joe K."

It is also possible to annotate reference properties; in this case the title will return the title of the referenced object (rather than, say, its string representation).

An additional convention for @Title properties is that they are hidden in tables (in other words, it implies @Property(where=Where.ALL_TABLES). For viewers that support this annotation (for example, the Wicket viewer), this convention excludes any properties whose value is already present in the title column. This convention can be overridden using @Property(where=Where.NOWHERE).

Lombok support

If Project Lombok is being used, then @Title can be specified on the backing field.

For example:

public void Customer {
    @Getter @Setter
    private String name;

    @Title(sequence="1.5", prepend=", ")
    @Getter @Setter
    private String firstName;

    @Title(sequence="1.7", append=".")
    @Getter @Setter
    private String midInitial;