
Collects all the value-type specific customization attributes.


@interface ValueSemantics {
  public final static int AS_DAY_BEFORE;     (1)
  String provider() default "";     (2)
  int maxTotalDigits() default 65;     (3)
  int minIntegerDigits() default 1;     (4)
  int maxFractionalDigits() default 30;     (5)
  int minFractionalDigits() default 0;     (6)
  FormatStyle dateFormatStyle() default FormatStyle.MEDIUM;     (7)
  FormatStyle timeFormatStyle() default FormatStyle.MEDIUM;     (8)
  TimePrecision timePrecision() default TimePrecision.SECOND;     (9)
  TimeZoneTranslation timeZoneTranslation() default TimeZoneTranslation.TO_LOCAL_TIMEZONE;     (10)
  int dateRenderAdjustDays() default 0;     (11)

eg. @ValueSemantics(dateRenderAdjustDays = ValueSemantics.AS_DAY_BEFORE)

2 provider

Allows to select ValueSemanticsProvider (s) by qualifier.

3 maxTotalDigits

If associated with a Number , the maximum number of total digits accepted for this number.Can be omitted, if Column#precision() is used.default = 65

4 minIntegerDigits

If associated with a Number , the minimum number of integer digits required for this number.default = 1

5 maxFractionalDigits

If associated with a BigDecimal , the maximum number of fractional digits accepted for this number.Can be omitted, if Column#scale() is used.default = 30

6 minFractionalDigits

If associated with a BigDecimal , the minimum number of fractional digits required for this number.default = 0

7 dateFormatStyle

If associated with a temporal date value, the rendering style of a localized date.

8 timeFormatStyle

If associated with a temporal time value, the rendering style of a localized time.

9 timePrecision

If associated with a temporal time value, the time of day precision, used for editing a time field in the UI.default = TimePrecision#SECOND

10 timeZoneTranslation

If associated with a temporal value, that has time-zone or time-offset information, the rendering mode, as to whether to transform the rendered value to the user’s local/current time-zone or not.default = TimeZoneTranslation#TO_LOCAL_TIMEZONE

11 dateRenderAdjustDays

If associated with a date or date-time value, instructs whether the date should be rendered as n days after the actually stored date. For negative n its days before respectively.



eg. @ValueSemantics(dateRenderAdjustDays = ValueSemantics.AS_DAY_BEFORE)


Allows to select ValueSemanticsProvider (s) by qualifier.


If associated with a Number , the maximum number of total digits accepted for this number.Can be omitted, if Column#precision() is used.default = 65


If associated with a Number , the minimum number of integer digits required for this number.default = 1


If associated with a BigDecimal , the maximum number of fractional digits accepted for this number.Can be omitted, if Column#scale() is used.default = 30


If associated with a BigDecimal , the minimum number of fractional digits required for this number.default = 0


If associated with a temporal date value, the rendering style of a localized date.


If associated with a temporal time value, the rendering style of a localized time.


If associated with a temporal time value, the time of day precision, used for editing a time field in the UI.default = TimePrecision#SECOND


If associated with a temporal value, that has time-zone or time-offset information, the rendering mode, as to whether to transform the rendered value to the user’s local/current time-zone or not.default = TimeZoneTranslation#TO_LOCAL_TIMEZONE


If associated with a date or date-time value, instructs whether the date should be rendered as n days after the actually stored date. For negative n its days before respectively.

This is intended to be used so that an exclusive end date of an interval can be rendered as 1 day before the actual value stored.

For example:

public LocalDate getStartDate() { ... }

@ValueSemantics(dateRenderAdjustDays = ValueSemantics.AS_DAY_BEFORE)
public LocalDate getEndDate() { ... }

Here, the interval of the [1-may-2013,1-jun-2013) would be rendered as the dates 1-may-2013 for the start date but using 31-may-2013 (the day before) for the end date. What is stored In the domain object, itself, however, the value stored is 1-jun-2013.