
The command ("cmd") schema defines the serialized form of the intention to invoke an action or to edit a property. It can be supplemented with optional timings capturing the actual invocation of a command (introduced to support the replication of commands in a master/slave arrangement).

Mixin actions are represented as regular actions on the mixed-in object. In other words, the fact that the actual implementation of the action is defined by a mixin is an implementation detail only.


The commandDto root element is defined as:

<xs:schema targetNamespace=""              (1)

    <xs:import namespace=""             (2)

    <xs:element name="commandDto">                                          (3)
                <xs:element name="majorVersion" type="xs:string"            (4)
                        minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" default="2"/>
                <xs:element name="minorVersion" type="xs:string"
                        minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" default="1"/>

                <xs:element name="interactionId" type="xs:string"/>         (5)
                <xs:element name="username" type="xs:string"/>              (6)
                <xs:element name="targets" type="com:oidsDto"/>             (7)
                <xs:element name="member" type="memberDto"/>                (8)
                <xs:element name="timings" type="memberDto" minOccurs="0"/> (9)

    <xs:element name="commandsDto">                                         (10)
            <xs:documentation>Collection of commandDto's</xs:documentation>
            <xs:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:element ref="commandDto"/>

1 the command schema has a namespace URI of "". Although URIs are not the same as URLs, you will find that the schemas are also downloadable from this location.
2 uses complex types defined in the "common" schema.
3 definition of the commandDto root element. The corresponding XML will use this as its top-level element.
4 each instance of this schema indicates the version of the schema it is compatible with (following semantic versioning)
5 unique identifier for the interaction that gave rise to this command. The interaction Id can be used to correlate to the interaction that executes the command, and to any changes to domain objects occurring as a side-effect of that interaction.
6 the name of the user who created the command (whose intention it is to invoke the action/edit the property).
7 the target object (or objects) to be invoked. A bulk action will create multiple commands, each with only a single target. (A future version of the framework may also support a single bulk command against this multiple targets, ie all-or-nothing).
8 the memberDto, defined below, the captures the action/property and arguments/new value.
9 optional timings for the invocation of a command.
10 groups multiple commands together.

The CommandDto DTO corresponding to the commandDto root element can be marshalled to/from XML using the CommandDtoUtils class. The CommandsDto DTO allows multiple commands to be marshalled together. This was introduced to support replication of commands in a master/slave arrangement (eg for regression testing).

memberDto and subtypes

The memberDto complex type is an abstract type representing the intention to either invoke an action or to edit a property. The actionDto and propertyDto are the concrete subtypes:

<xs:schema targetNamespace="" ...>
    <xs:complexType name="memberDto" abstract="true">                       (1)
            <xs:element name="memberIdentifier" type="xs:string"/>          (2)
            <xs:element name="logicalMemberIdentifier" type="xs:string">    (3)
        <xs:attribute  name="interactionType" type="com:interactionType"/>  (4)

    <xs:complexType name="actionDto">                                       (5)
            <xs:extension base="memberDto">
                    <xs:element name="parameters" type="paramsDto"/>

    <xs:complexType name="propertyDto">                                     (6)
            <xs:extension base="memberDto">
                    <xs:element name="newValue" type="com:valueWithTypeDto"/>
1 the memberDto is an abstract type. I.s primary responsibility is simply to identify the member (action or property).
2 the formal identifier (fully qualified class name + member name) of the member being interacted with (action or property).
3 the "logical" formal identifier (object type, as per `@Named(member name) of the member being interacted with (action or property).
4 the interactionType attribute indicates whether the member is an action or a property.
5 the actionDto complex type captures the set of parameters (also including the argument values) with which to invoke the action. The paramsDto type is defined below.
6 the propertyDto complex type captures the new value (possibly null) to set the property to.

In general the logicalMemberIdentifier should be used in preference to the memberIdentifier because will not (necessarily) have to change if the class is moved during a refactoring.

Note also that there is a corresponding memberExecutionDto complex type in the "ixn" schema that is for the actual execution (capturing metrics about its execution and also the return value if an action invocation).

Ancillary types

The schema also defines a small number of supporting types:

<xs:schema targetNamespace="" ...>
    <xs:complexType name="paramsDto">                                       (1)
        <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element name="parameter" type="paramDto"/>

    <xs:complexType name="paramDto">                                        (2)
            <xs:extension base="com:valueWithTypeDto">
                <xs:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xs:string"/>
1 the paramsDto is simply the list of parameter/arguments.
2 the paramDto complex type essentially combines a parameter with its corresponding argument: a named value that has a type. It extends the valueWithTypeDto complex type taken from the "common" schema.