
Enables ImpersonateMenu.impersonateWithRoles#act(String, List, String) , to provides choices for user and roles.

This will result in the simpler ImpersonateMenu.impersonate#act(String) (which simply allows a username to be specified, with no roles) being hidden.

interface ImpersonateMenuAdvisor {
  List<String> allUserNames()     (1)
  List<String> allRoleNames()     (2)
  List<String> roleNamesFor(String username)     (3)
  String multiTenancyTokenFor(String username)     (4)
1 allUserNames()

Returns the names of all known users.

2 allRoleNames()

Returns the names of all known roles.

3 roleNamesFor(String)

Returns the names of the roles of the specified username.

4 multiTenancyTokenFor(String)

Returns the multi-tenancy token of the specified username.



Returns the names of all known users.

The ImpersonateMenu uses this to provide a choices (drop-down) for the username (string) argument of ImpersonateMenu.impersonateWithRoles#act(String, List, String) .


Returns the names of all known roles.

The ImpersonateMenu uses this to provide a choices (drop-down) for the rolenames (list) argument of ImpersonateMenu.impersonateWithRoles#act(String, List, String) .


Returns the names of the roles of the specified username.

The ImpersonateMenu uses this to select the defaults for the rolenames (list) argument of ImpersonateMenu.impersonateWithRoles#act(String, List, String) .


Returns the multi-tenancy token of the specified username.

The ImpersonateMenu uses this to select the defaults for the rolenames (list) argument of ImpersonateMenu.impersonateWithRoles#act(String, List, String) .