
Represents a mechanism to evaluate whether the current user (as represented by InteractionContext can either view or invoke the domain object feature (as represented by Identifier .

interface Authorizor {
  boolean isVisible(InteractionContext authentication, Identifier identifier)     (1)
  boolean isUsable(InteractionContext authentication, Identifier identifier)     (2)
1 isVisible(InteractionContext, Identifier)

Whether the current InteractionContext can view the domain object feature (represented by Identifier ).

2 isUsable(InteractionContext, Identifier)

Whether the current InteractionContext can invoke the domain object feature (represented by Identifier ).


isVisible(InteractionContext, Identifier)

Whether the current InteractionContext can view the domain object feature (represented by Identifier ).

isUsable(InteractionContext, Identifier)

Whether the current InteractionContext can invoke the domain object feature (represented by Identifier ).

If this methods returns false then the feature will be greyed out/disabled.