
Provides a mechanism for providing a set of value semantics.

This interface is used by Value to allow these semantics to be provided through a single point. Alternatively, Value supports this information being provided via the configuration files.

Whatever the class that implements this interface, it must also expose either a public no-arg constructor, or (for implementations that also are Facet s) a public constructor that accepts a FacetHolder , and CausewayConfiguration and a ValueSemanticsProviderContext . This constructor is then used by the framework to instantiate the object reflectively.

interface ValueSemanticsProvider<T> {
  Class<T> getCorrespondingClass()
  ValueType getSchemaValueType()     (1)
  ValueDecomposition decompose(T value)     (2)
  T compose(ValueDecomposition decomposition)     (3)
  OrderRelation<T, ?> getOrderRelation()     (4)
  Converter<T, ?> getConverter()     (5)
  Renderer<T> getRenderer()     (6)
  Parser<T> getParser()     (7)
  DefaultsProvider<T> getDefaultsProvider()     (8)
  IdStringifier<T> getIdStringifier()     (9)
  ValueSemanticsProvider<X> castTo(Class<X> cls)
  boolean isEnumType()
  boolean isNumberType()
  boolean isTemporalType()
  boolean isCompositeType()
1 getSchemaValueType()

Values might appear within CommandDto , InteractionDto and ChangesDto , where a mapping onto one of ValueType (s) as provided by the XML schema is required.

2 decompose(T)

Converts a value object into either a ValueWithTypeDto or TypedTupleDto .

3 compose(ValueDecomposition)

Converts either a ValueWithTypeDto or a TypedTupleDto to an instance of the object.

4 getOrderRelation()

The OrderRelation , if any.

5 getConverter()

The Converter , if any.

6 getRenderer()

The Renderer , if any.

7 getParser()

The Parser , if any.

8 getDefaultsProvider()

The DefaultsProvider , if any.

9 getIdStringifier()

The IdStringifier , if any.



Values might appear within CommandDto , InteractionDto and ChangesDto , where a mapping onto one of ValueType (s) as provided by the XML schema is required.


Converts a value object into either a ValueWithTypeDto or TypedTupleDto .


Converts either a ValueWithTypeDto or a TypedTupleDto to an instance of the object.


The OrderRelation , if any.


The Converter , if any.


The Renderer , if any.


The Parser , if any.


The DefaultsProvider , if any.

If not null , implies that the value has (or may have) a default.


The IdStringifier , if any.