
Response from the ErrorReportingService , containing information to show to the end-user.

Implementation notes:

  • a class has been used here so that additional fields might be added in the future.

  • the class is Serializable

so that it can be stored by the Wicket viewer as a Wicket model.

class SimpleTicket {
  SimpleTicket(String reference, String userMessage, String details)
  SimpleTicket(String reference, String userMessage, String details, StackTracePolicy stackTracePolicy)
  SimpleTicket(String reference, String userMessage, String details, String kittenUrl)
  SimpleTicket(String reference, String userMessage, String details, StackTracePolicy stackTracePolicy, String kittenUrl)
  String getReference()
  String getUserMessage()
  String getDetails()
  StackTracePolicy getStackTracePolicy()
  String getKittenUrl()     (1)
  String getMarkup()
1 getKittenUrl()

If specified, is the external URL of an image to display to the end user.



If specified, is the external URL of an image to display to the end user.

Not necessarily of a kitten, but something by way of an apology.