
Describes the layout of a single collection, broadly corresponds to the org.apache.causeway.applib.annotation.CollectionLayout annotation.

class CollectionLayoutData {
  CollectionLayoutData(String id)
  String getId()     (1)
  void setId(String id)
  String getCssClass()
  void setCssClass(String cssClass)
  String getDescribedAs()
  void setDescribedAs(String describedAs)
  String getDefaultView()     (2)
  void setDefaultView(String defaultView)
  Where getHidden()
  void setHidden(Where hidden)
  String getNamed()
  void setNamed(String named)
  Integer getPaged()
  void setPaged(Integer paged)
  String getSortedBy()
  void setSortedBy(String sortedBy)
  Class<? extends TableDecorator> getTableDecorator()
  void setTableDecorator(Class<? extends TableDecorator> tableDecorator)
  List<ActionLayoutData> getActions()
  void setActions(List<ActionLayoutData> actionLayoutDatas)
  CollectionLayoutDataOwner getOwner()     (3)
  void setOwner(CollectionLayoutDataOwner owner)
  String getMetadataError()     (4)
  void setMetadataError(String metadataError)
  Link getLink()     (5)
  void setLink(Link link)
  String toString()
1 getId()

Collection identifier, being the getter method without 'get' prefix, first letter lower cased.

2 getDefaultView()

Typically table or hidden , but could be any other named view that is configured and appropriate, eg gmap3 or fullcalendar2 .

3 getOwner()


4 getMetadataError()

For diagnostics; populated by the framework if and only if a metadata error.

5 getLink()

The link to access this resource from the REST API (Restful Objects viewer).



Collection identifier, being the getter method without 'get' prefix, first letter lower cased.


Typically table or hidden , but could be any other named view that is configured and appropriate, eg gmap3 or fullcalendar2 .



Set programmatically by framework after reading in from XML.


For diagnostics; populated by the framework if and only if a metadata error.

The link to access this resource from the REST API (Restful Objects viewer).

Populated by the framework automatically.