User Registration
The Wicket viewer provides the ability for users to sign-up by providing a valid email address:
from the login page the user can instead follow a link to take them to a sign-up page, where they enter their email address.
a verification email is sent using this service; the email includes a link back to the running application.
the user then completes the registration process by choosing a user name and password.
the Wicket viewer then creates an account for them and logs them in.
In a similar way, if the user has forgotten their password then they can request a reset link to be sent to their email, again by providing their email address.
To support this the framework requires three services to be registered and configured:
the user registration service, which provides an API to create the user account
the email notification service, which provides an API for to send the verification emails
the email service, that is used by the email notification service to actually send the email.
The Apache Causeway core framework provides a default implementation of both the email notification service and the email service. The Security Manager extension provides a partial implementation of user registration service that you can complete for your own applications.
The user is presented with a login page:
Navigate to the sign up page. Complete the page, and verify:
Back to the login page:
Email arrives, with link:
Follow the link, complete the page:
Automatically logged in:
There are two prerequisites:
register an implementation of the user registration service
The SecMan extension provides an abstract subclass implementation that does most of the work.
configure the email service
This is required by the default email notification service.
It is also possible to configure the Wicket viewer to suppress the sign-up page link and/or the password reset page, see here for further details.