Visit module and entity

Our domain model now consists of the PetOwner and Pet entities (along with the PetSpecies enum). In this section we’ll add in the Visit entity:


Also, note that the Visit entity is in its own module. We’ll look at the important topic of modularity in later exercises.

Ex 5.1: The visits module

In this exercise we’ll just create an empty visits module.


git checkout tags/05-01-visit-module
mvn clean install
mvn -pl spring-boot:run


Just check out the tag above and inspect the changes:

  • A new petclinic-module-visits maven module has been created

  • its pom.xml declares a dependency on the petclinic-module-pets maven module

  • the top-level pom.xml declares the new Maven module and references it

  • the VisitsModule class is a Spring @Configuration bean that resides in the root of the visits module, and declares an app dependency on the pets module that mirrors the maven dependency:
    @EntityScan(basePackageClasses = {VisitsModule.class})
    public class VisitsModule implements ModuleWithFixtures {
        public FixtureScript getTeardownFixture() {
            return new FixtureScript() {
                protected void execute(ExecutionContext executionContext) {
                    // nothing to do
  • the webapp Maven module now depends on the new visits maven module, and the top-level ApplicationModule Spring @Configuration bean now depends upon VisitsModule rather than PetsModule

    It still depends upon PetsModule, but now as a transitive dependency.

Ex 5.2: Visit entity’s key properties

Now we have a visits module, we can now add in the Visit entity. We’ll start just with the key properties.

git checkout tags/05-02-visit-entity-key-properties
mvn clean install
mvn -pl spring-boot:run


  • add a Visit entity, declaring the pet and visitedAt key properties:
        schema="visits",        (1)
        name = "Visit",
        uniqueConstraints = {
            @UniqueConstraint(name = "Visit__pet_visitAt__UNQ", columnNames = {"owner_id", "name"})
    @DomainObject(entityChangePublishing = Publishing.ENABLED)
    @NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PUBLIC)
    @ToString(onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
    public class Visit implements Comparable<Visit> {
        @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
        @Column(name = "id", nullable = false)
        @Getter @Setter
        @PropertyLayout(fieldSetId = "metadata", sequence = "1")
        private Long id;
        @Column(name = "version", nullable = false)
        @PropertyLayout(fieldSetId = "metadata", sequence = "999")
        @Getter @Setter
        private long version;
        Visit(Pet pet, LocalDateTime visitAt) {
   = pet;
            this.visitAt = visitAt;
        public String title() {
            return titleService.titleOf(getPet()) + " @ " + getVisitAt().format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"));
        @ManyToOne(optional = false)
        @JoinColumn(name = "pet_id")
        @PropertyLayout(fieldSetId = "name", sequence = "1")
        @Getter @Setter
        private Pet pet;
        @Column(name = "visitAt", nullable = false)
        @Getter @Setter
        @PropertyLayout(fieldSetId = "name", sequence = "2")
        private LocalDateTime visitAt;
        private final static Comparator<Visit> comparator =
        public int compareTo(final Visit other) {
            return, other);
        @Inject @Transient TitleService titleService;
    1 in the "visits" schema. Modules are vertical, cutting through the layers. Therefore the database schemas echo the Spring @Configurations and maven modules.

    Run the application, and confirm that the table is created correctly using Prototyping  H2 Console.

Ex 5.3: "Book Visit" action

In addition to the key properties, the Visit has one further mandatory property, reason. This is required to be specified when a Visit is created ("what is the purpose of this visit?")

In this exercise we’ll add that additional property and use a mixin to allow Visits to be created.

git checkout tags/05-03-schedule-visit-action
mvn clean install
mvn -pl spring-boot:run


  • add the @Reason meta-annotation
    @Property(maxLength = Reason.MAX_LEN)
    @PropertyLayout(named = "Reason")
    @Parameter(maxLength = Reason.MAX_LEN)
    @ParameterLayout(named = "Reason")
    @Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE })
    public @interface Reason {
        int MAX_LEN = 255;
  • add the reason mandatory property:
    @Column(name = "reason", length = FirstName.MAX_LEN, nullable = false)
    @Getter @Setter
    @PropertyLayout(fieldSetId = "details", sequence = "1")
    private String reason;
  • update constructor (as this is a mandatory property)
    Visit(Pet pet, LocalDateTime visitAt, String reason) { = pet;
        this.visitAt = visitAt;
        this.reason = reason;
  • create a "visits" mixin collection as a mixin of Pet, so we can see the Visits that have been booked:
    @CollectionLayout(defaultView = "table")
    public class Pet_visits {
        private final Pet pet;
        public List<Visit> coll() {
            return visitRepository.findByPetOrderByVisitAtDesc(pet);
        @Inject VisitRepository visitRepository;
  • create a "bookVisit" mixin action (in the visits module), as a mixin of Pet.

    We can use ClockService to ensure that the date/time specified is in the future, and to set a default date/time for "tomorrow"
            semantics = SemanticsOf.IDEMPOTENT,
            commandPublishing = Publishing.ENABLED,
            executionPublishing = Publishing.ENABLED
    @ActionLayout(associateWith = "visits", sequence = "1")
    public class Pet_bookVisit {
        private final Pet pet;
        public Visit act(
                LocalDateTime visitAt,
                @Reason final String reason
                ) {
            return repositoryService.persist(new Visit(pet, visitAt, reason));
        public String validate0Act(LocalDateTime visitAt) {
            return clockService.getClock().nowAsLocalDateTime().isBefore(visitAt)   (1)
                    ? null
                    : "Must be in the future";
        public LocalDateTime default0Act() {
            return clockService.getClock().nowAsLocalDateTime()                     (2)
                    .atTime(LocalTime.of(9, 0));
        @Inject ClockService clockService;
        @Inject RepositoryService repositoryService;
    1 ensures that the date/time specified is in the future.
    2 defaults to 9am tomorrow morning.

Also add in the UI files:

  • create a Visit.layout.xml layout file.

  • add a Visit.png file

  • add a Pet#visits.columnOrder.txt file

    to define which properties of Visit are visible as columns in Pet's visits collection.

Optional exercises

If you decide to do this optional exercise, make the changes on a git branch so that you can resume with the main flow of exercises later.
  1. Download a separate Visit-NN.png for each of the days of the month (1 to 31), and then use iconName() to show a more useful icon based on the visitAt date.

  2. Use choices to provide a set of available date/times, in 15 minutes slots, say.

  3. Refine the list of slots to filter out any visits that already exist

    Assume that visits take 15 minutes, and that only on visit can happen at a time.