Migrating from 2.0.0-RC4 to 2.0.0

Programming Model (CAUSEWAY-3697)

Annotation attribute @DomainService(nature=..) was marked for removal and no longer has any scope filtering effect. This filtering is or will be replaced by some other mechanism eg. configuration option.

Programming Model (CAUSEWAY-3692)

Annotation attribute @Parameter(dependentDefaultsPolicy=..) was renamed to @Parameter(precedingParamsPolicy=..), also enum DependentDefaultsPolicy was renamed to PrecedingParamsPolicy and enum value UPDATE_DEPENDENT was renamed to RESET.

CausewayConfiguration also changed:


AuditTrailEntryRepository and others have simplified the API (CAUSEWAY-3390)

In this release the AuditTrailEntryRepository and similar is no longer parameterized by the entity type, and is also an interface.

So, instead of:

@Inject AuditTrailEntryRepository<? extends AuditTrailEntry> auditTrailEntryRepository;

it should now be just:

@Inject AuditTrailEntryRepository auditTrailEntryRepository;

This applies to:

For more details, see CAUSEWAY-3390.

Auto-flush management (CAUSEWAY-3675)

By default any queries executed by RepositoryService are preceded by a flush first. The rationale behind this is to make sure that everything that might have changed is in the database.

However, with JDO at least, this behaviour can cause a ConcurrentModificationException when coupled with the EntityChangeTrackerDefault internal service, used by auditing. This grabs the value of properties, including derived properties that are evaluated using a query.

So now, EntityChangeTrackerDefault suppresses the autoflush.


  • To revert to the original behaviour, use the new causeway.commons.persistence.entity-change-tracker.suppress-auto-flush property.

  • The causeway.core.runtime-services.repository=service.disable-auto-flush configuration property has been renamed to causeway.commons.persistence.repository-service.disable-auto-flush.

For more details, see CAUSEWAY-3675.

Mavendeps webapp module and the GraphQL viewer (CAUSEWAY-3676)

The GraphQL viewer is a brand new viewer, automatically exposing your domain object model as a GraphQL API. The documentation can be found here.

As part of this work, the org.apache.causeway.mavendeps:causeway-mavendeps-webapp convenience module has been updated. It now references all 3 viewers (Wicket, Restful and GraphQL) as a one-stop shop for bringing in viewers.


It is still necessary to add in the persistence and security modules.

For more details, see CAUSEWAY-3676.