Migrating from M5 to M6

Java Source Compliance Level

The minimum required JVM version was updated from Java 8 to Java 11.

A number of packages related to JavaEE were removed from the JRE, but these packages are used by the framework, specifically

  • JAX-WS packages (javax.jws, javax.jws.soap, javax.xml.soap, and javax.xml.ws.*)

  • JAXB packages (javax.xml.bind.*)

Changes to the Programming Model

Removed (Programming Model)

was now what?

@Action(associateWithSequence=…​) removed

use @ActionLayout(sequence=…​) instead

@DomainObject(autoCompleteAction=…​) removed

use @DomainObject(autoCompleteMethod=…​) instead

@MemberOrder(name=…​) removed

instead on a Property use @PropertyLayout(fieldSetId=…​, fieldSetName=…​) or on an Action use @Action(associateWith=…​); there is no counterpart for Collection

@MemberOrder(sequence=…​) removed

use @ActionLayout/@PropertyLayout/@CollectionLayout(sequence=…​) instead

@Model (from extensions) removed

use @MemberSupport (Applib) instead

@PropertyLayout(namedEscaped=…​) removed

(translatable) text is now always escaped


Following configuration options changed:

isis.core.meta-model.validator.ensure-unique-object-types // removed

isis.core.meta-model.validator.explicit-object-type // renamed to ...

Some 'mavendeps' artifacts have been removed:

<!-- removed

no replacement, no longer required

<!-- removed

<!-- instead use -->

<!-- removed

<!-- instead use -->

Other Changes

Module IsisModuleExtCorsImpl was renamed to IsisModuleExtCors.

Module IsisModuleExtModelAnnotation was removed and is no longer required.

Service BookmarkService has been improved, such that its methods return Optional<?> instead of nullable objects.

Service RepositoryService.isPersistent(Object domainObject) has been removed. Use getEntityState(Object domainObject) instead.

Service RepositoryService.isDeleted(Object domainObject) has been removed. Use getEntityState(Object domainObject) instead.

Enum EntityState.PERSISTABLE_DESTROYED and isDestroyed() were renamed to PERSISTABLE_REMOVED and isRemoved(). Also note: the removed entity life-cycle state is only supported by JDO, whereas JPA is indifferent to whether an entity instance was removed or is detached. The framework’s JPA integration will always report detached.

The Wicket Viewer was migrated from using Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4, which might have more or less severe implications on (your) customized CSS and JavaScript and Wicket components.



Following SecMan artifacts have been renamed:

<artifactId>isis-extensions-secman-model</artifactId> <!-- old -->
<artifactId>isis-extensions-secman-integration</artifactId> <!-- new -->

<artifactId>isis-extensions-secman-api</artifactId> <!-- old -->
<artifactId>isis-extensions-secman-applib</artifactId> <!-- new -->

Following SecMan packages have been renamed:

org.apache.isis.extensions.secman.api.*; // old
org.apache.isis.extensions.secman.applib.*; // new

org.apache.isis.extensions.secman.model.*; // old
org.apache.isis.extensions.secman.integration.*; // new

Following SecMan modules have been renamed:

IsisModuleExtSecmanApi -> IsisModuleExtSecmanApplib
IsisModuleExtSecmanModel -> IsisModuleExtSecmanIntegration

Following menu actions for User Management have been removed:

<mb3:serviceAction objectType="isis.ext.secman.ApplicationUserMenu" id="newLocalUser">
    <cpt:named>New Local User</cpt:named>
<mb3:serviceAction objectType="isis.ext.secman.ApplicationUserMenu" id="allUsers">
    <cpt:named>All Users</cpt:named>
<mb3:serviceAction objectType="isis.ext.secman.ApplicationUserMenu" id="newDelegateUser">
    <cpt:named>New Delegate User</cpt:named>

Use the new User Manager View Model instead:

<mb3:serviceAction objectType="isis.ext.secman.ApplicationUserMenu" id="userManager">
    <cpt:named>User Manager</cpt:named>

DB schema changes:

-- mariadb/mysql syntax - adapt to your specific vendor, schema names omitted
UPDATE ApplicationUser set `status`='UNLOCKED' where `status` like 'ENABLED';
UPDATE ApplicationUser set `status`='LOCKED' where `status` like 'DISABLED';