AsciiDoc Syntax

This page describes the main syntax conventions when writing Asciidoctor/AsciiDoc.

For more info, see:


The number of preceding = signs indicates the heading level.

Syntax Meaning
= Level 1

There can only be one level 1 per .adoc (at the very top).

The paragraph immediately following the heading is the "preamble", and is rendered in a larger font. It’s therefore a good place to summarize the content of the document.

== Level 2

Level 2

=== Level 3

Level 3

==== Level 4

Level 4


Syntax Example
Paragraphs are separated by one or more blank lines.

So, this is a separate paragraph.

Paragraphs are separated by one or more blank lines.

So, this is a separate paragraph.

All consecutive sentences are rendered in the same paragraph.
This is another sentence in the para.
And another one.
Yet another.

Sentences without a blank line are in the same paragraph. Don’t worry about word wrapping, just start the next sentence on the next line.

In general, there’s no need to indent paragraphs; keep things left-aligned. Let the markup specify the logical indentation.

Start each sentence on a new line

Don’t worry about wrapping sentences at 80 characters, just start each new sentence on a new line. AsciiDoc will take care of the rendering.

This simple tip has a number of other benefits:

  1. when the document is edited (eg correct a typo or insert a missing word), then only a single line in the file is changed.

    This will reduce change of merge conflicts, too.

  2. You can easily see if a sentence is too long, and should be split

  3. You can easily see if all sentences are the same length: good writing should vary the length of sentences

  4. You can easily see if successive sentences start with the same phrase (that might be a good thing, or a bad thing, depending).

Bulleted lists

Syntax Example
The blank line after this para is required:

* Bullet 1 +
Indented paragraph (note the '+' to to chain this para with the bullet)

* Bullet 2

** Child bullets +
More indenting

** Another child bullet

* Bullet 3

The blank line after this para is required:

  • Bullet 1

    Indented paragraph (note the '+' to chain this para with the bullet)

  • Bullet 2

    • Child bullets

      More indenting

    • Another child bullet

  • Bullet 3

Numbered lists

There’s no need to keep track of numbers, just use '1' or 'a' etc:

Syntax Example
The blank line after this para is required:

1. Bullet 1 +
Indented paragraph

2. Bullet 2

a. Child bullets +
More indenting

b. Another child bullet

3. Bullet 3

The blank line after this para is required:

  1. Bullet 1

    Indented paragraph

  2. Bullet 2

    1. Child bullets

      More indenting

    2. Another child bullet

  3. Bullet 3

While it isn’t necessary to maintain the ordering manually (could just use '1' for all bullets), this does generate warnings when the document is built.

Syntax Example Purpose
link:http://ciserver:8080[CI Server]

Link to an external hyperlink

link:http://ciserver:8080[CI Server^]

Link to an external hyperlink, with target=blank


Cross-reference to section in Antora document


.Some table
[cols="3a,2a", options="header"]

| Header col 1
| Header col 2

| Row 1 col 1
| Row 1 col 2

| Row 2 col 1
| Row 2 col 2


renders as:

Table 1. Some table
Header col 1 Header col 2

Row 1 col 1

Row 1 col 2

Row 2 col 1

Row 2 col 2


  • the cols attribute says how many columns there are and their respective widths.

  • the "a" suffix indicates that the contents is parsed as AsciiDoc

Column Attributes

Other options are (credit):

  • e: emphasized

  • a: AsciiDoc markup

  • m: monospace

  • h: header style, all column values are styled as header

  • s: strong

  • l: literal, text is shown in monospace font and line breaks are kept

  • d: default

  • v: verse, keeps line breaks

For example:

.Table with column style e,a,m
| Emphasized (e) | AsciiDoc (a) | Monospaced (m)

| Asciidoctor
| NOTE: *Awesome* way to write documentation
| It is just code


renders as

Table 2. Table with column style e,a,m
Emphasized (e) AsciiDoc (a) Monospaced (m)


Awesome way to write documentation

It is just code


.Table with column style h,s,l
| Header (h) | Strong (s) | Literal (l)

| Asciidoctor
| Awesome way to write documentation
| It is
just code


renders as

Table 3. Table with column style h,s,l
Header (h) Strong (s) Literal (l)


Awesome way to write documentation

 It is
just code


.Table with column style d,v
| Default (d) | Verse (v)

| Asciidoctor
| Awesome way
to write


renders as

Table 4. Table with column style d,v
Default (d) Verse (v)


Awesome way to write documentation

Column Alignment

This can be combined with alignment markers (credit):

  • <: top align values (default)

  • >: bottom align values

  • ^: center values

For example:

[cols="^.>,<.<,>.^", options="header"]

| Name
| Description
| Version

| Asciidoctor
| Awesome way to write documentation
| 1.5.0

renders as:

Name Description Version


Awesome way to write documentation



  • the first column is centered and bottom aligned,

  • the second column is left and top aligned and

  • the third column is right aligned and centered vertically.

Column/Row Spanning

We can also have columns or rows spanning multiple cells (credit):

For example:

.Cell spans columns
| Name | Description

| Asciidoctor
| Awesome way to write documentation

2+| The statements above say it all


renders as:

Table 5. Cell spans columns
Name Description


Awesome way to write documentation

The statements above say it all

The N+ sign notation tells Asciidoctor to span this cell over N columns.


.Cell spans rows
| Name | Description

.2+| Asciidoctor
| Awesome way to write documentation

| Works on the JVM


renders as:

Table 6. Cell spans rows
Name Description


Awesome way to write documentation

Works on the JVM

The .N+ notation tells Asciidoctor to span this cell over N rows.


.Cell spans both rows and columns

| Row 1, Col 1 | Row 1, Col 2 | Row 1, Col 3

2.2+| Cell spans 2 cols, 2 rows
| Row 2, Col 3
| Row 3, Col 3


renders as:

Table 7. Cell spans both rows and columns

Row 1, Col 1

Row 1, Col 2

Row 1, Col 3

Cell spans 2 cols, 2 rows

Row 2, Col 3

Row 3, Col 3

The N.M+ notation tells Asciidoctor to span this cell over N columns and M rows.


Callout or highlight content of particular note.

Syntax Example
NOTE: the entire note must be a single sentence.
the entire note must be a single sentence.
the note is multiple paragraphs, and can have all the usual styling,
* eg bullet points:
* etc etc

the note is multiple paragraphs, and can have all the usual styling,

  • eg bullet points:

  • etc etc

Here's something worth knowing...

Here’s something worth knowing…​

Be careful...

Be careful…​

Don't forget...

Don’t forget…​

Source code

Use [source] macro to specify source content:

get-command -module BomiArtifact

will render as:

get-command -module BomiArtifact

Some languages support syntax highlighting. For example:

public class SomeClass extends SomeOtherClass {

will render as:

public class SomeClass extends SomeOtherClass {

Callouts can also be added using an appropriate comment syntax. For example:

public class SomeClass
                extends SomeOtherClass {        // <1>
    public static void main(String[] args) {    // <2>
<1> inherits from `SomeOtherClass`
<2> entry point into the program

will render as:

public class SomeClass
                extends SomeOtherClass {        (1)
    public static void main(String[] args) {    (2)
1 inherits from SomeOtherClass
2 entry point into the program


    <b c="foo"/>     <!--1-->
<1> some comment

renders as:

    <b c="foo"/>     (1)
1 some comment

It’s also possible to include source code snippets; see the guides linked previously


Use the image: macro to reference images. For example:


To make the image clickable, add in the link attribute:


It’s also possible to specify the width using scaledwidth (for PDF/HTML) or width and height (for HTML only).

For example:


Child Documents

Use the include: macro to break up a document into multiple sections.

The leveloffset=+1 means that each included file’s heading levels are automatically adjusted. The net effect is that all documents can and should use heading 1 as their top-level.


The top-level document must include the _basedir attribute; this points to the parent directory src/main/asciidoc. This attribute is set immediately after the top-level heading.

In addition, the :toc: adds a table of contents.

For example, the setting-up/concepts/concepts.adoc file starts:

= Concepts
:_basedir: ../../



Asciidoctor supports numerous diagram types through the asciidoctor-kroki plugin.

This calls the kroki online service (it can also be installed to run on-prem) which generates diagrams from textual markup.

PlantUml, PlantUML + C4, ditaa, graphviz and numerous other formats are supported. The sections below provide examples of some of these.

UML diagrams

Asciidoctor includes support for the plantuml, allowing simple UML diagrams to be easily sketched.

for much more on the layout of plantuml diagrams, see

For example:

class Car

Driver - Car : drives >
Car *- Wheel : have 4 >
Car -- Person : < owns

renders as:


C4 diagrams

Asciidoctor includes support for the c4 model.

For example:


title System Context diagram for Internet Banking System

Person(customer, "Banking Customer", "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
System(banking_system, "Internet Banking System", "Allows customers to check their accounts.")

System_Ext(mail_system, "E-mail system", "The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system.")
System_Ext(mainframe, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information.")

Rel(customer, banking_system, "Uses")
Rel_Back(customer, mail_system, "Sends e-mails to")
Rel_Neighbor(banking_system, mail_system, "Sends e-mails", "SMTP")
Rel(banking_system, mainframe, "Uses")

renders as:


Ditaa diagrams

Asciidoctor includes support for the ditaa, allowing boxes-and-lines diagrams to be easily sketched.

For example:

    +--------+   +-------+    +-------+
    |        | --+ ditaa +--> |       |
    |  Text  |   +-------+    |diagram|
    |Document|   |!magic!|    |       |
    |     {d}|   |       |    |       |
    +---+----+   +-------+    +-------+
        :                         ^
        |       Lots of work      |

renders as:


Graphviz diagrams

Asciidoctor includes support for the ditaa, allowing boxes-and-lines diagrams to be easily sketched.

For example:

digraph automata_0 {
  size ="8.5, 11";
  node [shape = circle];
  0 [ style = filled, color=lightgrey ];
  2 [ shape = doublecircle ];
  0 -> 2 [ label = "a " ];
  0 -> 1 [ label = "other " ];
  1 -> 2 [ label = "a " ];
  1 -> 1 [ label = "other " ];
  2 -> 2 [ label = "a " ];
  2 -> 1 [ label = "other " ];
  "Machine: a" [ shape = plaintext ];

renders as:


This requires graphviz to be installed and the dot.exe on the PATH. Alternatively, specify the location, eg using:

:graphvizdot: c:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe ( diagrams

Rather than describing diagrams in text format, an alternative is to just draw the diagrams using the editor (previously called

You can find an example of a class diagram drawn this way in the internal design docs for core/metamodel module.

If using IntelliJ, the plugin embeds this within the IDE, and works seamlessly with the Asciidoctor plugin.

Diagrams can be saved in either .svg or .png format.