Applying Patches

If a patch is received on a JIRA ticket, then it should be reviewed and applied using command line tools.

Inspect the patch

First, take a look at what changes are in the patch. You can do this easily with git apply

git apply --stat CAUSEWAY-xxx.patch

Note that this command does not apply the patch, but only shows you the stats about what it’ll do. After peeking into the patch file with your favorite editor, you can see what the actual changes are.

Next, you’re interested in how troublesome the patch is going to be. Git allows you to test the patch before you actually apply it.

git apply --check CAUSEWAY-xxx.patch

If you don’t get any errors, the patch has no conflicts. Otherwise you may see what trouble you’ll run into.

Apply a (clean) patch

To apply a clean patch (adding the items and commit/signoff in a single step), use git am:

git am --signoff < CAUSEWAY-xxx.patch

This preserves the original author’s commit message.

However, this can fail if the patch file does not contain the original committers email address. In this case you will need to abort the am session:

git am abort

and continue on by applying a non-clean patch, as described next.

Apply a (non-clean) patch

If the patch does not apply cleanly, then the original authors commit message cannot be preserved. This sequence in this case is:

git apply CAUSEWAY-xxx.patch

Fix up any issues. The add and commit as usual

git add .
git commit -am "<original authors' commit message>" --signoff

The --signoff simply adds a line to the commit message indicating you have signed off the commit.

Information adapted from this blog post and this wiki page.

Diff files

If a diff file has been provided instead of a patch, then use for example the eGit’s wizards (Eclipse’s Git integration).